Welcome to all the new people!

Last Update: November 28, 2011

It's been a really long time since my last blog post so I think it's long overdue and I figured it was time to say something. Welcome to all the new people who have joined through the $1 promotion. 

I joined WA over 18 months ago, and never once have I doubted the decision. Although I have not made the best use of the tools each day for a number of different reasons-not the least of which is that I'm a gardener and it's very hard for me to sit behind the computer on a warm sunny day when the garden is calling. But now it's November on the "wet coast" of BC so here I am after gardening season and working at it more diligently. It's amazing how the information slowly starts to make sense and things that were once unimaginably hard and frustrating now fall into place very easily. I have 3 websites now, they are still a work in progress with work to do on them. But all the little victories along the way are worth celebrating and doing that will help boost you along to the next step and ultimately all of your future successes. 

 My biggest piece of advice and recommendation to the new people who have joined is to be reasonable with yourself and give yourself time to learn. There is much more here than anyone can absorb in only a month-so take the month to get familiar with the site and see all that it has to offer. Also, talk to a few people in the forum or with buddy talk and find out about their experiences.

Above all--don't expect to be a millionaire or an internet guru after a month. That takes time-and sometimes a lot of time! 

Self directed learning is not an easy feat, all of us learn differently and at different rates and if you don't get the daily tasks done that day when you are in the 30 day Success program, then don't be frustrated or mad at yourself but just keep plugging away at it--and don't give up! Never give up and you will get there.

I'm not naturally computer literate but I'm determined to learn and forcing the knowledge in anyway-it's a slow process but the proof is everywhere in the success stories--if you don't give up the possibilities are endless. If money is really tight right now-my recommendation is to find a job or some other source of income while you build your websites and do the other tasks. The additional stress of urgent bills will not help you along your path of learning.

Again, congratulations on your decision to join the WA community. The people here are terrific and very helpful-just ask!  Also you can contact me, I will help you in any way I can.







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Deezdz Premium
I've been here for almost 2 months and your post couldn't be more true. I think many of us are so hard on ourselves and put so much pressure on ourselves to rush the learning curve and start making money. I really do try to slow down and enjoy the process but have to remind myself to do so on a daily basis. :) Thanks for the encouraging post Stacy!
meknowsu Premium
Thanks so much for your encouraging words, it has been a world wind since I joined a few days ago and I am ready for the challenge. Its nice to hear everyone's experiences and stories, I hope to have some of my own to share one day. Gardening is such a nice relaxing activity during the summer months, I have been learning how to grow plants in water and it is fun especially when I can grow things during the winter time.
Stacydee Premium
Yw, what are you growing in water? I have hyacinths growing in water on my shelf right now. One of the silly things is so confused its about half an inch tall with no leaves but the flower bud has come out only a bit and is trying to bloom from inside the bulb, sort of. it looks really weird.
truejule Premium
Nice post Staceydee. I found you through potpiegirl's page. I enjoy gardening as well, so can relate to your preference to be out among the flowers under a warm summer sun!
I was here two years ago and didn't stay. Focus wasn't here at the time. I'm back today and ready to change that!
jchilders Premium
Right there with ya truejule...I did the same thing. Everytime I sat down at the computer to work on IM, I got sidetracked surfing or playing games. When I saw the opportunity to come back, I jumped at it. This time more determined to make it stick. :) (Letting my game accounts expire for good measure too. haha)
Stacydee Premium
Glad to have you back truejule-go for it this time! shhhh, don't tell my plants but I'm kind of glad for the winter and the break from the work and now I can get to the computer work. And I just heard on our local radio this morning that SEO and webdesign careers are going to be the biggest and highest paying in the coming years. jchilders, I was the same way when I started and what really helped what listening to PotPiegirl when she said "no shiny things" --all the distracting things out there are "shiny things". I put a note saying that on my computer and it made it really easy to ask myself the question and get back to work. Now that's real commitment-letting the accounts expire!