Where's Stacy?

Last Update: August 14, 2012
Hi Everyone

I just wanted to take a minute and say HI to all the people who have decided to follow me in the last 4 months or so. And of course HI to all those who I haven't talked to in a while!! I've been all consumed with my job and my garden for the last few months and haven't really been here very much at all.

The garden is starting to wind down and time is shifting more in my favor for the fall and winter, so that'll allow me to get back on track with my sites and all that stuff. They've been floating out there all alone, by themselves for a while and need to get fixed up properly.

Some seriously profitable websites are definitely the goal!

So I don't need to bore anyone with details or fluff, just know I am still around and will help anywhere I can. Feel free to contact me anytime, for help or chat or gardening stuff or anything. WA is the only place to be and I will always be a member, it just gets better everyday. I can barely keep up.

Good luck to everyone, and see ya around the chat room.
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mama2karsten Premium
Sounds wonderful!
Shawn Martin Premium
Looking forward to it
Adrian66 Premium
Great to have you back Stacy, your garden must look just lovely now after all your hard work you put in. Looking forward in hearing from you, Adrian.
Stacydee Premium
I must say it looks pretty good, everyone out there (my plants) seem to be happy with what I've done. And ya, they talk to me and I talk to them. The Oriental lilies are blooming now and are amazing.
Welcome back Stacy!
Stacydee Premium
Ty Johnson Premium
Hello there! I'm glad your gonna have more time, sorry the gardening season is about over tho.
Stacydee Premium
lol, ya it's a double edge sword there. I love my garden and love IM too. What to do what to do??
Ty Johnson Premium
IM first make bucket loads of cash then get a bigger garden!
Stacydee Premium
YES! love it, that is the way to go for sure. I'm gonna need a bigger property for a bigger garden, but that's where the bucket loads of cash will help out!
Ty Johnson Premium
Yeah that's what I meant, almost typed it out that way but laziness got the better of me lol
Stacydee Premium
It's all good, and definitely on that road!