About Stavfel
Joined August 2010
Hi im a guy from sweden who recently became a dad and trying to make a living with WA since i will lose my job soon. Well it is also a lot of fun to have the oppurtunity to work from home and set my own hours and don't have a work that i hate.
No there are no polarbears where i live and no snow during summer.. :-) Allthough there is a lot of deer in this northern part of sweden.
I have a huge movie interest and collect many movies and are currently planning how my home theater will be set up when we move to a house some day. I am a bit of a handyman and also well traveled into the technical area in that department so i think i can build my own theater in the basement.
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TJ Books Premium
Welcome! Work hard! Work smart! Follow the instructions! Get on the forum. John
Stavfel Premium
Hi and thanksYep forum is great, a lot of stuff to read, but trying to take it slow at start so i wont get overwhelmed.
Old Mizer Premium
Welcome! From Sweden... now that is one I have to look up on that map. It appears that Lou knows. She seems excited. Glad to have you aboard!
Old Mizer Premium
Thx, I was looking it up last night. I was never the best geography student. Might that be where the Swiss Alps are?
Old Mizer Premium
Eww... thanks on the correction. I really need to study up on the geography. Of course. Switzerland ... Swiss
Old Mizer Premium
The truth is, I do feel a little embarrassed. To be honest, there is only one thing that comes to mind. A carton that had a picture of the Alps and a cup of hot chocolate on the label. I wish I could afford to travel now and then.
Stavfel Premium
Thanks, yep small country north of france:-)
Stavfel Premium
Nope swiss alps are in switzerland, that is below germany i think. Sweden is in scandinavia. Directly north of germany. east of norway, west of finland :-) Stockholm is our capital.
Stavfel Premium
Hehe well don't feel bad about yourself, you are not the first that make the swiss connection when i say sweden..
Stavfel Premium
Hehe that could of course help :) I could use that myself, i Haven't been outside europe yet.
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME to the WA community!
Glad to have you here! :)
Louise M. Premium
awesome!! If you need help, have any questions, feel free to PM me! Cheers! :)
Stavfel Premium
Hi and thx, Happy to be here. Working hard on the action plan already and will go fulltime on this next week
Stavfel Premium
Thanks, thats good to know. Already have several stored, but will try to sort em out at my own first by reading forum and search the WA tutorials :-)
Stavfel Premium
Hi and thanks, Been reading the 12 week steps so didn't notice your msg:-)
Just registered a domain at godaddy. Wasn't sure if taking any of the extra offers would do me any good so just went for the basics..
Stavfel Premium
Its late here so gonna head to bed, talk later :-)
Have a nice day
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family