
Last Update: October 06, 2010

I am going to start of with a big sigh.

Almost done with my webpage and now my 2 top leading google keywords dropped to page 6 and so did my squidoo rankings. Even as i posted a new article yesterday i dropped from 85000 to 105000. Depressing.

PPC campaign is just crap atm. CTR is laughable with its 0,18 overall so i have dropped all keywords that isn't generating anything. Thinking about how i can write an add about teddy bears to entice people to see it. But then this is my first project so of course it wont go well as i learn along the way. I just hoped i would be an exception and could pull it of with all the reading and all the tutorials and then spending so much time on my website and the contet would be good. 

Just can't understand what the hell i can do different. I have changed it about 10 times already.

Been trying to narrow it down to why i get so small ammount of clicks... Bad ad, bad place on the ad cause of my content is not good enough, do i spend enough on the daily budget. I have raised it now to around  5$/ day and 0,5 $/ bid limit and still not all is spent. Made 2 adgroups with different categories within my website. Have several pages of content on my website that is relative to all website. Still it isn't climbing on google.

Been trying to get my keyword phrases to be good, researched most of them in market samurai so i know they are good, but then i hardly get an impression from them for last days. 

Wondering what i am missing....




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Stavfel Premium
Thanks, i wont. Just having a slow uphill now and getting frustrated when things get in my way that i can't understand and know how to fix. Deleted your double post btw.
Maghdalena Premium
Don't give up. You might go up in the rankings the next time Google and Squidoo changes their algorithms, which seems to be every day or every other day lately. Sometimes people down one day go up the next, in the meantime keep writing content and articles at places like EzineArticles which will improve your writing skills. Same for Blogger/WordPress posts. Hang in there. You might not be doing anything wrong per se, Google is getting fussier and fussier. The best we can do is try to keep up and work on our titles and try to be as unique as possible.
Stavfel Premium
Thanks that would be nice. I could use another perspective and a trained one as well:) Will PM you
famousplumber Premium
Website development is what I work on most. Lots of quality, KW optimized content pages. I would love to look at your site and offer my humble yet honest opinion, if you so desire. You could post your URL on your page or send a DM. Hang in there!