HUmm Odd

Last Update: October 14, 2010

Well i have got around 20 clicks / day now for a few days on my adds, so guessing around 50-60 clicks and from that outcome there has been 9 hits on one of my affiliate links. Then another 27 to my second and last affiliate link... Atleast i think they do.Amazon has a strange rapport on it saying 27 clicks but only 1 is on a product and 26 on other things.

 So i get traffic... I get that. But is it the wrong kind of traffic? I think i am pretty clear what my ads say and my landing pages and website should show what they say.

I might be in an early stage yet though, but if 60 clicks to my site and about 29 has ended up to my affiliates it must be pretty good. Only no sale out of those.

 Overall impressions from my campaign with 3 adgroups is 1554.

Out of that is 1.54% ctr. I have to consider that many of my keywords for those ad groups isn't generating clicks yet. Then i have some keywords that has a ctr of 5-10% and of course those with 0 ctr.

I should maybe let my daily budget increase more and run it a week before i erase any keywords that isn't generating. But then i am thinking, what if i am getting the wrong traffic.. Getting just those that want to look.


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