Last day at work

Last Update: August 27, 2010

Well here it comes..

I am officially out of a job now. Can there be a better way to make internet marketing happen? Was sort of sad to leave quite a few working buddies behind, but it still feels sooooooooo good to be able to leave that behind me. Working at a Jail really takes the life force right out of you if not sooner then later.

Now i can spend all my time into online marketing. It will take some time im sure but im confident it will turn out good.

Even better is that not only did i cut out the most paintaking part of my current life, i also added a lifegiving part to replace it when i joined WA and got the chance to do what i dreamt about for several years.

To be able to work from home with a smile on my face and be with my family and my 3 months old son.


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Garage667 Premium
Thanks for sharing with us!Wish you the best of luck and success!You will do perfect i am sure!I like your attitude!Keep up!Do not leave your dreams behind!
Stavfel Premium
Thanks i sure hope so.:-)
jatdebeaune Premium
Congratulations. The struggling is fun. It's all fun. You'll accomplish great things.
Stavfel Premium
Indeed it is. Only thinking good thoughts now :-) Might change in a week or so when i struggle with my marketing, but i bet i still enjoying it.
Jamie Smith Premium
The best revenge is living well. You smiling while on your computer and spending more time with your family is priceless.