Still Research

Last Update: September 04, 2010

Yes im still researching while doing action plan week 4.

As fun as it is it also gets a bit frustrating to never get that feeling that this is the thing i want to promote. Found several niches inside the computing industry but can't seem to find a good affiliate deal for it and get a clear picture if i want to have it or not. Takes about 1 hour then i see something different thinking this might be better or easier to do.....

Looking at clickbanks market i see a lot of possible links, but those are items i never would have thought of or not sure they are highly sought after since i can hardly find em on ebay top list.

Maybe i should just grab a top list clickbank product and make do with that and adjust myself to it instead of trying to look around and not finding something that feels right. Since  reading who loves money i feel there is so much to promote i have a hard time deciding what way to go. Best is of course stuff i know about, but those are not on the top list and hardly on clickbank since that involve niches inside techstuff and body building. Except know how ebooks perhaps, but i feel a bit recentful about those sites i saw that sell them, looked pretty ugly and sort of massproduced.

 Will have to think some more :-)



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Stavfel Premium
Thanks fpr the tip. I will try out squidoo. Allthough setting up multiple sites sounds like a lot of time to do it, or is it just the keywords that i need to see if it gets a hit? I will remove the other 5 post since they got multipled :-)
krafty Premium
What I like to do is test especially for clickbank products. I find that it easier to make money on clickbank products that have a lot less competition. Testing will tell you personally if you should promote a product and will help you to decide on which keywords are being in the most traffic.

Using squidoo is great as a free method because it provides the keywords that people are using to get to your lenses. Best routine though is to set-up multiple mini-sites. Then later on, if they are making any money on adsense or a clickbank product, you can sell these sites at and you will be left with the money for the site and the knowledge of the most powerful keyword phrases for you to exploit:)