Posts by Strauss7270 5
June 18, 2011
 Hi all, I have been concentrating on my site and it has been quite slow. I just wondered if any of you guys could take a look at it and pass on some tips and put me on the right path if you think i am straying at all. I must admit I still doubt that I am on the right path with my domain I have only written 2 articles in street articles and have to admit that it is fun. OK it is not easy to get the brain into the writing thing but something tha
Hello all, I havent had a productive day as far as training went. I lost the plot again ( I am going to end up being labelled the WA sissy of the month if i dont pack it in). I sort of had a rant in the forum and thats when thisngs started to settle again. I had a reply from Josh ( Many thanks Josh) and then i restarted from the beginning. I checked previous blogs and realised that there were comments i had not read. The comments blew me away for the reason that people genuinely w
June 05, 2011
Hi everyone, I dont know where this is going yet so i will just put my thoughts down and see where it leads me. Today was my first day back after a few days away from any activity and i was itching to get back to it. Prior engagements meant that i would only get time to look in and see what you good people are putting up in the forums and what blogs were being posted. So I have had some catching up to do. Firstly i want to say that although i was away a few days and itching to get bac
1 comment
May 31, 2011
Hi everyone I hope you have had a good day. My day started really early and from the moment i woke up, my head was filled full of stuff. Yesterday was such a frutrating day and i felt that i had done something wrong in the choice of my domain. I still think i may  have, however i was thinking of all sorts of changes to sort the problem out. I got home this evening with the intentetion of going back to the beginning and starting over. I did restart the action plan and got so far and the
May 30, 2011
Hi all or to whoever will read this, I am only a few days into this and am very happy with the content within WA and i have been reading a lot of stuff and also going through the action plans. To be honest i have struggled quite a bit and i expected that. I am trying to keep the sense of frustration at bay as that is the biggest thing i am being told as a newbie. The biggest problem i have is actually following what is before me. I am following the action plan and t