Fighting the fear

Last Update: May 31, 2011

Hi everyone I hope you have had a good day. My day started really early and from the moment i woke up, my head was filled full of stuff. Yesterday was such a frutrating day and i felt that i had done something wrong in the choice of my domain. I still think i may  have, however i was thinking of all sorts of changes to sort the problem out. I got home this evening with the intentetion of going back to the beginning and starting over. I did restart the action plan and got so far and then the penny dropped. It was fear that was stopping me from going any further. The fear of making mistakes and then being the laughing stock of the internet. This was the point i just went for it and done the "ABOUT ME" column on my blog. Why on earth was i so scared. Once i started i just couldnt stop. It isnt perfect but its a start and another tick in the box.

One other thing that came to me aswell. This is a journey. Yes i want to make a living from this but I want to get it right. I guessed i could sprint out the blocks and be flying by next week. I have had to step back and really think about what i want out of this and how i am going to get there. This really is mind altering stuff to me people. It is like going back to school. I am now treating this as a course i would be taking back at school.

If there is one thing i can pass on is what is already been said in WA. Stick at it . The system works because there are good people here proving that. If you are struggling and frustrated, stand back and just take a look at your approach. I am doing that everyday. Slow down, follow the system word for word. The fear is natural because it is change. We as humans hate change so we battle not to. Change change change is what i am telling myself now. I am only days into this and already i am learning. Ok i havent earned a penny but like i say, it is a journey.

Take care all and keep the faith


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Perfect analogy jatdebeaune. Maybe that's why they advocate the "rinse and repeat" principle when I thought it had something to do with proving IM wasn't a dirty business:-)
jatdebeaune Premium
Repetition is a perfect way to learn things. Keep reviewing. I do it all the time. Even if you have to review something 100 times in order for it to sink in, what's wrong with that? Have you ever followed a recipe for a cake or something? You keep going back to the recipe to see how much sugar or flour or baking powder, even after you've made that same cake at least 20 times. It's aggravating. If you make that cake every day for a week, you won't need the recipe any longer.
As they say "Feel the fear and do it anyway" (quote). This is just like learning to drive a car or play golf or any other skill. Learn the basics taught by experts (even the bits that might not make sense) then once you've mastered the basics you can add your own extensions.
Labman_1 Premium
There's a line from one of my favorite Sci-Fi books ( Dune, by Frank Herbert). Fear is the great mind killer. Glad you are working through it.