Lost and frustrated

Last Update: May 30, 2011

Hi all or to whoever will read this,

I am only a few days into this and am very happy with the content within WA and i have been reading a lot of stuff and also going through the action plans. To be honest i have struggled quite a bit and i expected that. I am trying to keep the sense of frustration at bay as that is the biggest thing i am being told as a newbie. The biggest problem i have is actually following what is before me. I am following the action plan and then i am receiving emails which i must follow and it doesnt all seem to fit together to me. I follow the action plan and find a niche, reseached it quite thoroughly  (I Think), find a domain, purchase it, build a blog and i feel i am just left hanging there. I receive another email, follow through with that and a task is to do an about me page.. Stumped... Why about me when all i want to do is promote a product. Have i gone about this the wrong way or something? Now i have been reading a lot of stuff on here and i know there are different ways of doing this but i am following the action plan. Sorry folks but on this day i am a little lost to say the least. So maybe i need to go back and start again. I dont have a problem doing that and i guess i just wanted to share this with you all. Is anyone else feeling the same as me or is it just me. Comments would be most welcome. Thanks for reading and sorry for the whining 

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muskyblood Premium
Hi- Yes, it is normal to feel lost and overwhelmed. Personally, I would hold off on the Success in 30 Days Club until you are firmly entrenched in the Action Plan. The Action Plan covers things in great detail, and does more "teaching" than the Club. As for why you need an about me page? People are more likely to make a purchase from you if you build a personal touch to your website, tell them about yourself. It can help build a little trust which leads to more sales.
Thadius Premium
Finished! I wrote the darn "about me" section. let me know if this helps or how i can improve. Thanks for ANY suggestions.
You're not alone. I doubt that any new member in their first week felt any different. Remember this ain't like (offline) college where you have deadlines to submit assignments for grading. Forget 30 days. Make it 30 steps. If it takes a week to do step 2 and feel comfortable so what? If there's something in the tutorials that doesn't make sense go to the forums. Kyle has a thread going for each day of the 30 club. Read the posts. Chances are somebody has already asked the questions you're asking and got an answer. If not then ask away. The only stupid question I know of is the one I didn't ask.
Thadius Premium
LOL...you sound exactly like my thoughts, word for word. Im not laughing at you, its just that you've written exactly what was going on in my mind as well. I HATE writing about myself...its not a character flaw, its just the way i am. Eventually though, you'll find that a lot of people will more than likely be able to connect with you if they know you're "human" as well. Hey how about I submit an "about me" article to you and you do one for me and we can motivate each other pass this one hump. That is if you're still struggling
Labman_1 Premium
I'm seeing a lot of frustration with the 30 day club. Check out the WAbinars that Jay did back in November of last year. I think the date was November 17th. It's on setting up your WordPress site. Clears up a lot of the confusion. WAbinars are all recorded and are reachable from your top menu bar.