Music Motivates Me!

Last Update: July 16, 2012
Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well on this lovely Monday. I am doing great after a fun weekend of music and dancing. My hubby is learning to dance with me and I could not be happier. I might have a bit of part time work coming up that i would enjoy and it would make my hubby relax a little about money. Life is really good today.

When I was out on the dance floor this weekend I realized how much music motivates me. I hate cleaning but if I do it with some music it makes it easier and I get things done faster. I listen to my mp3 player to make yard work go faster and I love to drive with some great cruising tunes. So why did I never think about working to music?

I think it is because somewhere along the line it was drilled into my head that music was a distraction and there was no way it could make you more productive. This may be true for a large portion of the population but for me it is all in the music I choose. Rob Zombie, who is my favorite musician, is not going to do the trick but a swing music station or a blues station are great for me.

I have been rather productive this morning sticking to the chosen tasks rather than my usual jumping around from one thing to the next. I just stop for a few seconds and close my eyes and listen when I am tempted to do something else. I would guess it is like a quick meditation on what I am supposed to do. Why music helps me do everything in my life with more enthusiasm I really don't know but now that I know it works I am going to keep it up.
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Shawn Martin Premium
Music has made my world go round, literally. Glad you are feeling good!
anindochk Premium
I love music too. But, we may not share our choices of music!
sundcarrie Premium
Music style is an individual thing but there is something about music you love that just makes you feel good.
anindochk Premium
Very true! :)