Are you Ready for a Super Domain?

Last Update: January 18, 2010

I have had several entertaining blogs started; but they were wiped out. My cursor skips wherever it wants AND deletes at will. Anyway, I will try to finish before this one is deleted.

A big thank you to Carson and Sherry for inspiring me to take the plunge and follow my Internet Passion.

Choice Urls

Pay Paths

Long story condensed--I am a domainoholic. After assisting Carson in attaining a super purpose filled domain name and feeling really good about it, I decided to take the plunge and become a reseller with one of my favorite companies rather than an affiliate.

A lot of training also comes with my mini-investment; however, the constant training and new resources at WA cannot compare. Different purposes with crossover markets.

More later, I worked all day today tweaking these turnkey sites. Time for Beauty sleep.

PS: Conclusion--just goes to show that a simple comment or interaction can have a huge effect on a person. I had been thinking about doing this for at least 3 years. 

PSPS: Have not done any marketing yet. I just now got the store front marginally ready. Later I will also work on headers, footers, links. 

PSPSPS: One cool thing is that until I have too many clients, I will be able to exchange links with every new domain purchaser.

*The one thing that will set me apart from other domain sites is that I offer to help customers find/choose their url if he or she needs that type of assistance. (Its a small thing, but some of us have the knack and some of us do not.)

**Did you know you can make income off of a parked domain?

**Did you know you can put domains up for sale?






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Suzi Premium
Thanks. It is a Vista Business. I don't have time to do it now, but I will look into your recommendations tomorrow. It is a little better since I tinkered with the keyboard settings. Are you one of the Geeks that can take over my computer and just fix it? What would you charge? Accept Pay Pal??? What if I need a different key board? direct mail:
Leslie1 Premium
Hi, Suzi! If you are having problems with your cursor, I will make a bet you are using Windows Vista. Just google: Windows Vista (or whatever OS you are using) erratic cursor or cursor or something like that and I am sure tons of fixes will pop up. That's what I do. It seems the last few Internet Explorer updates had bugs as well as the Vista program just seems to be a big pile of dung.....sorry for the gross expression...but it is what it is!! lol
Suzi Premium
There are many advantages to being a domain reseller that I did not mention. Quite different from being an affiliate. It does require an investment. To me it was worth it--For one thing I am a domain addict! I think domains is where it all starts. For instance, you can go active with a domain and using subdomains for each affiliate program. You do not HAVE to build a website until you are ready.
Power UP:-)
I was very interested in your blog. I wasn't aware that you could be a domain name reseller. I did sign up at hostgator to sell hosting awhile back but haven't done much with it.
Great information.