Member Photos

Last Update: January 11, 2010

I do not understand the purpose of partially clothed or scantily clothed member photos. Are there alternative purposes for being a member here?

Sure, we are our own bosses. We can work from home in our jammies, swim suit, or in the buff for that much.  Maybe part of the Internet "work from home" movement is to do away with conventions.

So, maybe I am stuffy and conventional. I still tend to choose those who who are fun, motivated, and directed to hang out with on the net. However, I bypass those who seem like they are obviously trying to attract others through scantily clad portrait exposure.

Oddly, even though the pictures we present could be photos of anyone, I do like to see a real photo. Dogs, cartoons,and avatars--might be cute and even expressive; but I like to feel that I am nurturing a business relationship with a real person.

We obviously have a myriad of skill levels. If any of you need help cropping a photo--I volunteer:-)

Well, if by chance anyone actually reads this blog--I would like feedback. If you think I am being to stiff, or boringly conventional, please say so.

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buddhabuddy Premium
I agree with you wholeheartedly on the subject of the proud peacock posers; I'm sure when I was researching this site there was no mention of a dating service! One thing I noticed is the majority of exposed skin has no sign of age. Oh, to be 20 again.

Mostly, I fall in line with your way of thinking when it comes to "real" photos as well. I like to put a face to a name; that being said, I use a picture as the top layer of my pics because it reflects who I am and I feel it may just pique people's interest enough to make them delve a little deeper (where I DO have a face). But on all counts, you and I are on the same wavelength.
veryz Premium
Suzi -- I am so glad you posted this! I find this odd behavior more often here (on WA) than other business sites. I think it's a combination of immaturity, seeking attention (and clicks or profile views) and just the questionable moral beliefs of our younger generation. I think we see it more on WA because members tend to be younger and there seems to be less oversight. Of course, there are many 20-year-olds who, I am sure, are just as baffled by this behavior, but we have to remember that this is the generation that grew up on reality TV.
JessicaL86 Premium
idm Premium
I post cartoon character images of myself, but I don't post scantily clad images because that would just be awkward for everyone.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I don't think it makes much of a difference to anyone with an open-minded perspective. I've networked with professionals that choose to use avatars from cartoon characters to Star Wars characters. It doesn't tell me anything except that person likes the image they decided to put online.

The majority of people who post images of themselves or other people in a sexual manner don't tend to be very professional or mature to begin with, so I can't say I've dealt with that much here. Perhaps they have some personal issues that are none of my business, it doesn't matter to me. If they are professionals and I can learn something from them then I wouldn't waste too much time even thinking about it.

It usually serves you better to mind your own business anyway, but this is an interesting blog, thus my reply.
olsonrc50 Premium
I agree some are a bit off base to me. I waited till I had a real pic to post. Now if I could figure out how to get rid of 5 copies of iti was trying to get one that didn't cut me off and ended up with a bunch of the same one!.