Marketing Success: What you can't see

Last Update: June 13, 2012
So it occurred to me the other day while looking at some of my article view stats that really having success in marketing, like life, depends a lot on two things that no written tutorial or webinar can ever explain really put down on screen:
  1. Vision
  2. Faith
Let me dive into these real quick and give you a quick glance of what I'm talking about.

Vision: By vision, I don't mean some sort of broad mission statement, like "I want find success with online marketing" -- I mean something more personal like imagining what success looks like to you.

This is quite likely the part of you that was stirred up at very first when affiliate marketing or internet marketing was explained to you - it's the "WOW, people make money online every day? And I could too???" - It's that "ah-hah!" moment.

Maybe you said something like "I could figure out how to put up a website!", or "I could figure out how this person is successful online and maybe do something like that myself!" or perhaps the goal that drives most of us, "I could eventually have much more financial freedom doing something exciting, from home!"

You suddenly saw yourself following in successful footsteps, learning, putting it into action, and making your vision come true! In this moment, despite complete lack of knowledge of all the bits and pieces of how it goes together, you had a higher anticipation of what could happen!

This is what I mean by Vision. Now, what do I mean by Faith?

Faith: Affiliate marketing, like regular marketing, requires faith. Faith that, once you take certain steps, certain results and success will in fact happen.

Someone can make you every promise in the world that their training or guides or system works, but unless you have faith and believe that this is the case, it will be impossible for you to truly accomplish what you're hoping for - because if you lose faith, you lose confidence, and ultimately your ability to succeed.

Faith looks like many things in affiliate marketing: Faith that the whole premise of affiliate marketing actually works - writing articles, putting up sites & blogs, learning and re-learning SEO and Google strategies will lead to visitors and sales. Faith that a merchant will pay out as they've promised. Faith that the time and money you've invested into yourself, into others, into your business will not be wasted; it won't be fruitless, but that in the end it will lead to results, even if it's a long road.

Sometimes you have to have faith that your efforts are even worthwhile, that the internet (and world) will be a better place for content you're producing.

So how do vision and faith play into every day marketing activities? They are a core part of success in everything you do. WITH them, you are invincible, and you can achieve whatever success you desire. But WITHOUT them, it's an uphill battle with each effort you put forth!

"Great, but I still don't know how I can practically apply to what I'm facing today..."

The secret is that you can intentionally leverage both faith and vision to boost you past mental obstacles to help you find success today. This concept actually has research behind it, and while I can't find the actual article with the information, I can explain how it works:

1. If you're NOT focused on a project or goal and are having trouble getting started, then what you need is VISION. Think broad! Think what could happen if you jumped into that niche you're thinking of. What could you build? What could you design? What value you could bring to someone's life and make a difference for their lives today?

Imagine yourself, and what it would look like today to have an amazing, successful website as THE go-to place for people looking for this information... and then take the first step toward getting there, whether that's market research, writing articles, doing some ads, or social marketing. You may not complete all your steps today but by getting started, you are closer to where you want to be! Keep in mind your vision! You're doing this for a purpose, not just as some chore.

2. If you ARE focused on a project or goal but are having trouble getting finished, then what you need is FAITH. You need faith to convince yourself that once you finish your work, Success WILL happen! If you're mired down in the details or the small complexities of a project and are just lacking motivation to finish it up or get through it, assuming it is part of the plan you're following, have faith that your efforts aren't in vain!

Imagine yourself in the future, looking back on this task and saying "Oh yeah, that sure wasn't the most fun but wow - that really was a huge part of why I've reached my goals today!" Have faith that the results you're hoping for really WILL come with the hard work you're putting in. Even if it doesn't bring as much success as you hope for, you will have gained experience and have that much more faith that your next efforts will be even more successful.

I'll wrap this up, after having talked your ear off (thanks for allowing me to do so, by the way. I'll try to find you another ear) - with a few more examples.
  • Next time keyword research seems overwhelming, have faith that once you get the right keywords, success is nearly inevitable.
  • Next time a spouse or friend says "How much time have you spent on this? And you haven't made even a single dollar?", remind yourself of the vision you had when you started - of the success you can and WILL have with the time and effort you're putting in - imagine calling that person over to your affiliate earnings screen in a just a few months and seeing their jaw drop as they see your three... four... even five figure earnings on the screen.
  • Next time producing content, writing articles, re-doing a landing page or ad or other work seems overwhelming, have faith that once you're done, you will be one step closer to your vision. You'll have gained knowledge, and very likely money as well - and if nothing else, you'll probably have better helped someone else today.
  • Next time you're just plain overwhelmed, confused, and not sure where to start, remember your vision. Remember that original "WOW!" moment you had, and that people ARE being successful online every day - why shouldn't it be you?

The reality is this last example. Every single day people are winning online.

Every minute someone is making money.

Every second, people are being helped by content that someone else had to create, not always knowing for sure whether anyone else would even ever see it!

So if this isn't you, why not? You can create that amazing website, great converting ad, well-written article, successful online business... and you can start right now. You can use faith and vision to combat anything today that keeps you from bringing true value to other people.

People need to know what you have to tell them.

People want to know and buy what you want to sell (unless it's some terrible product).

Help them make their lives better... today.

Have faith in your vision.
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jgreg Premium
Another great example of the strong sense of community and caring I am finding here at WA. Thank for sharing your wisdom by way of this article.
Telmari Premium
Thanks Jgreg. Glad you found it useful!