No 'Real' shortcuts

Last Update: June 11, 2012
So, after a number of years online without any huge (or long-term) success to show for it, I'm finally starting over with a new website and following the WA official "Getting Started" guide... writing articles, doing organic SEO optimization, adding value and content, and doing my best to keep moving, even when the results of my actions aren't clear or don't necessarily generate income.

Like many of you, when you're not finding real success from the efforts you put out, it's super easy to fall prey to the "Shiny object" fallacy, where every email from an internet marketing program or guru becomes your next 'big break to REALLY make it online'.... until you purchase the system and realize it's not that much different from all the knowledge you already have or can access here at WA. I've done it for... several years now, so I'd like to think I'm an expert at getting distracted!

But rather than shortcuts, like trying to replicate "The incredible profit system that brought in over $150k in just 3 days!!!", I'm more convinced than ever that real progress comes instead from focused, dedicated, simple steps and actions put forward towards our goals. A friend of mine once said that "There's no shortcuts to any place really worth going" - meaning, I think, that if you can get there with some sort of 'amazing' shortcut, you may want to re-evaluate as it might not actually be where you really want (or need) to be in the end.

Of course, there's a valid point that you don't want to get bogged down in all the small details in your steps forward - like obsessing over the keyword density for your article , trying to find the "PERFECT" niche (or other related "analysis paralysis" that keeps you too worried about the outcome to make a decision), or freaking out over the latest Google update. But generally speaking, at least in the beginning of internet marketing, I believe that the 'secret' to real success in the internet marketing world online comes from a few things:

1. Having a plan (provided here by training and other members' input).
2. Working that plan.
3. Continuing to do #2, even when confused or overwhelmed.

By having a plan and working the plan, even if it seems slower, even if it may not always seem 'perfect', you limit yourself from the distractions of the 'Shiny Object' fallacy, and have something to show for your efforts at the end of the day, rather than having wasted time and money trying to take a shortcut.

So, I guess what I'm saying is that it's time for me to make real progress and follow a plan even if that means results come a little slower. The learning and experience gained, and the knowledge that I'm doing it the right way, serving people and helping others find something truly helpful online is going to far outweigh the desire to just 'do it fast and make money' at the expense (or prodding, obnoxious upselling, etc) of the customer.

I'm going to keep this updated and continue to share my progress with you all this time, for real, because at this point for me, there's no other option! Thanks for reading this, if you've gotten this far, even though it's really just a random brain dump for me here as I head off to start my day, focused and ready for success.
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Botho Premium
I feel like I am reading it over and over on these pages: you have to DO it! Take action! It really is the best recipe for success. Wanting too much too soon can be disillusioning. That is why I enjoy the Getting Started Guide. It does not boast gaudy promises but offers a focused plan towards achieving your goal!
Telmari Premium
You're totally right on there with wanting too much too soon - ESPECIALLY when there's SO MANY "get rich quick" products out there, even from legitimate, well-known marketers - and I think that's part of why the Getting Started Guide appeals to me too - I'm also prone to distrust anything with delusions of grandeur.

And on another note, great point about DO-ing - it's easy enough to go online for an hour or two intending to 'get started' or do some market research and instead just spend the time reading marketing forums or looking for other ways to accomplish the goal faster - but the fastest way to success sometimes is really just the slow and steady path.
krafty Premium
Great post! Writing down the steps to accomplish and then just doing it is the perfect plan.
Telmari Premium
Thanks dude! I think writing them down (or having them written down, like the Getting Started Guide) is a huge part of it for me because if they're just in my head, they're too easy to forget or doubt.

I think sometimes I get a little worried that perhaps I haven't written down the 'perfect' steps to success (or that I'm not using someone else's 'perfect guide to success') - but I have to remember that until I'm in motion and making progress, there's no 'course' to correct or better way to go because I haven't gone down any path! Here's to making the plan happen!
Carson Premium
Telmari Premium
Thanks Carson! I absolutely appreciate your affirmation in this, particularly given the fact that you guys (and much of the community you've built here with these great people) are testament to your success online - something else very few online marketers can say.

I honestly think the biggest obstacle to getting past Shiny Object mentality is fear. Fear of doing it wrong, fear that I'm missing something in my plan, fear of missing out on 'real success' while others manage to find it. But after buying into enough offers that just don't deliver, I've realized I actually need to be more afraid of trying to take shortcuts than I do doing it wrong. Sometimes experience (supplemented with guidance and insight from others) really is the best teacher.

After a while, as I'm sure you and others have found, instead of the thrill of just having gotten into yet another 'exclusive online millionaire formula program', the thrill is instead replaced by the thrill of knowing that what you're working on is BETTER because it really is going to deliver results, even if it takes longer. Small steps lead to Big gains!

Thanks for all you & Kyle have done to make this such a great place! After having been a member for 6 years or so now, I have to say there's a definite reason why I haven't given up or let my membership lapse. I really DO believe success will come by following a plan, taking action, and most importantly, communicating with others.
BIS Premium
Nice blog. You're absolutely right. There aren't any short cuts. Unfortunately too many people still think they're are.

Telmari Premium
Great point, Beverley! I agree - and sometimes it frustrates me with what some people try to pull off just to make some quick gains - though I admit, I myself had that mentality at some point too - the idea of "just make it fast, it doesn't have to be good or last long". But I've realized this thinking really is too short-sighted to have much hope or lasting value - and I think that's a big part of why I believe in this business - to try to make a lasting impact on my future. Hopefully one day I can look back at this point and help others as well realize that there's so much more to be gained from taking the 'long road to success'!
jpnetco Premium
F.O.C.U.S. - For Outrageously Complete and Utter Success. Thanks for the kick in the pants. I will be following your efforts and wishing you the best.
Stay the course.
Telmari Premium
Thanks jpnetco - that's a great acronym - I hadn't heard it before and will definitely remember it for the future.

I think it actually touches on a small element that's not discussed within the community sometimes - the idea of 'complete', in a world of 'mostly', 'partially', 'somewhat'. I like the idea that success can be complete and total, and that it can really happen if all we do is FOCUS.

Thanks for the follow - and I'll be rooting for you as well!