Writing so people will buy your stuff

Last Update: July 04, 2012
I ran across this the other day online looking for copywriting tips for my physical product site, and thought it was helpful enough I'd share it here as well.

The article is by Peep Laja over at ConversionXL, and while I don't agree necessarily with everything he has to say, he does have some compelling points on how ecommerce, marketing, conversion, and persuasion work.

He has a lot of cut & dry points to the article, which can be used to make your website presentation and copy much more convincing - I find that he really helps you think outside the box when it comes to trying to look at your website from a customer's perspective

Anyways, apologies if you've read it before, but it seemed helpful enough to repost here for everyone.

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@RICH. Premium
Hey Joshua, perfect timing. I just submitted my revisions (!) of Your First 10 Days to Kyle, so I'm now awaiting his revamp of 30 Day Success Club. I'm damned if I'll go back and have to do that four times too! In the interim, I thought I'd knuckle down to the dreaded 'content', so this was a perfectly timed post from you. Thanks. Rich.
Telmari Premium
Hey Rich, glad to hear it! I think there's so much in that post that's part of the persuasion process in general that it bears repeated viewing and practicing, for me! Excited to see how your revisions turn out - and what I can learn from them too.