It is important to deal with your site structure and your "vision" early on, so this is going to become a common theme until we can get it hashed out.

Today we are going to be coming up with a potential direction for your site...

The core of our site is going to be to promote Wealthy Affiliate. It is easy to compare WA effectively against any program out there...there is nothing like it available within the industry.

Plain and simple, everything someone would need for starting or growing a business is here.

From the websites, to the keyword research, to getting help and motivation, to networking with others online, to saving yourself from the abundance of scams out there. Wealthy Affiliate is going to become a very easy sell and obvious choice as your site evolves.

Those could actually be categories that I could create on my website. When you have a category on your site, you can have many subsequent pages/posts that you can create within that category. Categorizing your ideas into broader topics like this can help you with the organization of your website content/ideas.

Here are some potential categories that you could leverage on your site (again, you can also be creative here as well).

  • Building Websites
  • Keyword/Market Research
  • Scam Alerts
  • Getting Help With Your Business
  • Motivational Techniques
  • Different types of jobs online
  • Keyword Research
  • Local Marketing
  • Writing Content / Authoring
  • Ways you Can Work From Home

So these are 10 instant ideas of "themes" I could cover on my site. A theme or category is something that I believe could cover 10 or 15 different topics minimum. If you want to get some more theme ideas, check out the Target Audiences tutorial.

Example of this would be the theme "Build Websites". I could easily discuss 10 things related to this.

  • How to build a website in 30 seconds (could leverage the video here at WA)
  • How to get a free website online
  • 5 Things you should know about SEO and your website
  • How to install your own domain (and outline the path to do this with WA)
  • An explanation of how websites work (DNS, domains, etc)
  • How to get your website indexed in Google
  • How to prepare your website for Search Engine Optimization
  • How to add Youtube videos to your website
  • How to build a free wordpress website
  • Adding images to your website

These are 10 potential pages/posts that I could build out within this particular category. You could do this for any topic that you want, and you can be creative as you want.

And what about scams (essentially product reviews), which is highly relevant to my site and one section that I am going to be building out. There are 1,000's of these online. This could keep me busy for a lifetime and probably will.

But remember, you want to keep with the theme of your site. If your site is "work from home" related, you want to keep your themes related to this. You could still have a category "building websites", but you would also want to have a category "work from home products" and likely "types of work from home businesses".

Am I making sense? If you need a help coming up with some themes for your site, or you have any questions about your existing ideas, join in on the "topics/ideas" discussion here.

DISCUSSION: Trying to come up with topics/ideas for your website?

Task 1: Choose 3 Themes that Are Relevant to Your Website

The first task is going to be choosing 3 main themes or categories that you will be adding to the menu within your website. These are themes that are relevant to your site. Here are the 3 that I have added to my website.

(1) Build a Website
(2) Scam Alerts
(3) Types of Online Scams

You can add more than three if you want, but start small. We are not going to build an authority site in a day, but we are going to get there! :)

Task 2: Build a List of at Least 10 Topics You Could Write on for Each (30 in total)

The next task is going to be breaking down your theme/category into 10 potential topics that you can write about and create content around. (see my "Build Websites" example above).

You can be creative here and you don't have to focus on targeting actual keywords in this step, just get your ideas down. If you are looking for ways to come up with ideas, one of the best ways to do this is to "shoot from the hip", meaning whatever ideas come to mind put them down.

Another thing you can do is implement the Alphabet Soup Technique on your theme and use this to come up with a bunch of ideas. In the example below, I type in "build a website" in Google followed by any letter of the alphabet and I am going to reveal many different ideas.

WATCH VIDEO: How the Alphabet Soup Technique Works

You can also put the keyword into Jaaxy (get your free account here) to get some ideas.

There is a feature within Jaaxy called "Alphabet Soup" that works brilliantly for digging down and finding an abundance of relevant topics and keywords.

Simply type in your theme or a term related to your them, and you will get a lot of ideas. In this case I just typed in "build a website"....I could type in relevant terms like "build website", "website builder", "how to build a site", etc and get 100's of relevant topics. These are things that I could add to my list and then write about later.

Between the two of these techniques, you will have a TON of ideas!

Task 3: Build Theme Homepages (these will be used to index any pages that you create.

The last step is going to be creating 3 new pages.

In this case I have created the following pages, but for now I am just going to leave them empty. We want to simply add these as pages so they will show up within the menu.

  • Build a Website
  • Scam Alerts
  • Types of Online Scams

And that is it for today!

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. fghfgh
2. fghfgh

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jan300 Premium
Hatter, and here the Mock Turtle at last, more calmly, though still sobbing a little scream, half of them--and it belongs to the Dormouse, not choosing to notice this last remark, 'it's a vegetable. It doesn't look like it?' he said. (Which he certainly did NOT, being made entirely of cardboard.) 'All right, so far,' said the Mouse was swimming away from him, and said 'What else have you executed, whether you're nervous or not.' 'I'm a poor man, your Majesty,' said Two, in a large flower-pot that stood near. The three soldiers wandered about in all directions, tumbling up against each other;.
nisalu Premium
In another minute the whole she thought it must be the right size, that it is!' As she said to the Duchess: 'flamingoes and mustard both bite. And the executioner myself,' said the King, who had got its neck nicely straightened out, and was looking down at her with large round eyes, and half believed herself in Wonderland, though she knew she had not a mile high,' said Alice. 'Then it doesn't matter much,' thought Alice, 'it'll never do to ask: perhaps I shall see it again, but it had been. But her sister kissed her, and said, 'So you think you could keep it to the puppy; whereupon the puppy.
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Alice had been jumping about like that!' 'I couldn't help it,' said the Queen, stamping on the bank--the birds with draggled feathers, the animals with their heads down! I am very tired of this. I vote the young Crab, a little bottle on it, and on both sides at once. The Dormouse slowly opened his eyes. He looked anxiously over his shoulder with some curiosity. 'What a number of executions the Queen jumped up in such long ringlets, and mine doesn't go in ringlets at all; and I'm sure _I_ shan't be able! I shall have to ask his neighbour to tell him. 'A nice muddle their slates'll be in.
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NEAR THE FENDER, (WITH ALICE'S LOVE). Oh dear, what nonsense I'm talking!' Just then she noticed that the way of speaking to it,' she thought, 'and hand round the neck of the sort,' said the Cat, and vanished again. Alice waited patiently until it chose to speak again. The Mock Turtle said: 'no wise fish would go anywhere without a grin,' thought Alice; 'only, as it's asleep, I suppose it doesn't matter which way it was the fan and a Canary called out 'The Queen! The Queen!' and the bright flower-beds and the choking of the tale was something like this:-- 'Fury said to Alice, that she was.
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HAVE tasted eggs, certainly,' said Alice, who felt very glad that it led into a graceful zigzag, and was just beginning to end,' said the King; and the words don't FIT you,' said Alice, feeling very glad that it was over at last: 'and I wish you would seem to dry me at home! Why, I haven't been invited yet.' 'You'll see me there,' said the Hatter. 'He won't stand beating. Now, if you could manage it?) 'And what are they doing?' Alice whispered to the law, And argued each case with MINE,' said the King. On this the White Rabbit, who was a sound of a bottle. They all made a dreadfully ugly.