Posts by Veronica.l 23
Thank you Kyle for picking my site and niche for your Street article case study.It was very interesting following your step by step guide, from how you researched the niche, picked your keywords and wrote your article. Awesome guide!You can read the case study here:Organic Milk Case StudyThanks Kyle :)
June 03, 2012
I just checked one of my long tail keywords. This keyword brings me good sales, does not get super much traffic but very targeted traffic. Tonight when I checked on it there was a new site on the first spot, I clicked on it and it took me to a very plain uggly blogger blog, latest post was made 2010. I kind of recognized the blog, clicked the link and ... it took me to one of MY sites. Ha ha ha I did this blogger blog back in 2010 and totally forgot about it and now it is ranking first page fir
I have seen alot of questions lately about article marketing and if it is still a good way to drive traffic to your site. In my own experience Yes it is still working, if you write quality articles and post them on authority article sites.This morning I was checking one of my sites out. This site, before all Google changes used to get 30.000+ visitors monthly. Most of that traffic was organic traffic from Google so when my site got dropped to second and third page for the targeted keywords a lo
I just want to say thank you to everybody that joined our local marketing chat this afternoon. People were sharing lots of valuable information, on this interesting topic.We were discussing different ways to get local business clients. Some ways to do this that we talked about was: Word of mouth Networking in your local area, at for example Chamber of Commerce Direct mail E-mail marketing Jay shared with us how he gets clients from speaking engagements, he also shared a before and afte
We will have our first Local Marketing Chat here at WA, Thursday May 24 @4 pm EST. This first chat I was thinking we could discuss different ways to get local business clients. Do you network in your local area? Do you call potential local clients or do you send out emails or direct mail??? Please join us and share your ideas. If you are totally new to this or an expert does not matter we would love to have you join us! Vicky
I have had a few people interested in joining our local marketing group. If you are interested to be a part of this group just leave a comment or pm me.   To start with I would like to through out to you WHY I wanted to start this group and what I would like to get out of it.   I have been doing affiliate marketing since 2007 and really feel that I have something to offer local businesses. I have learned a couple of things over the years and I see the oppertunities that are ou
May 17, 2012
Hello, Are you doing local marketing? I am just getting serious about local marketing. I feel like I have been doing IM for a while now and that I really have something to offer local businesses. The last couple of weeks I have been studding up on local marketing and I am now diving into getting my first clients. I have a goal, I have a plan... I am looking to build a local marketing group. I am looking for people that are working with local businesses or just starting out with local market
Last year in October I bought a keyword rich domain name. Now if you say that having the keywords in the domain is not important... I just did my own little testing without even knowing it :-) and belive me I will from now on ALWAYS keep the keyword in my domain name.  Don`t get me wrong I try to get my keyword in my domain name all the time, but I just now found out how important and helpful that is.  Like I said I bought the domain in October last year I changed my DNS settings but
This might be old to some of you, but I just saw this video and it has a great point!! Everyone of us has such great potential, but what do we feed our mind... It is Frank Kern and John Reese chatting with Tony Robbins. Just wanted to share it. Have a great day, Vicky    
May 16, 2011
Thankful I am... My son just had a Star Wars Party this Saturday, crazy he is 7 years old all ready. Where does that put me :-) I just want to let the world know how thankful I am, I have a beutiful son a wonderful fun very curious 2 year old daughter and a very loving and supporting husband. If it wasn`t for them I would not be where I am today. I grew up in Sweden when my son was almost 2 years old we decided to move to the US my husband is from here. At first I must say that I was not to