A Fresh New Enthusiasm

Last Update: April 19, 2011

Okay, so here's the thing.

I work a regular job like most of us. I am very fortunate in that unlike many here I am not doing this to "fire my boss". I don't really thrive on negative emotions anyway.

I like the work, the company and the associates. The money is more than enough for my lifestyle and the work environment is about as good as it gets. I work from home when not traveling and am not bound by a particular 8-5 work day. I already have a lot of the freedom that we all talk about as part of the IM lifestyle.

I am part of a training team that travels around the country (USA) training our sales force and their leadership in each of our divisions.

But about this time each year we've completed the round of training for the year and have a little down time as well as develop the next year's program which normally begins about August/September.

All that to say this.  I have a new excitement today about by IM business now that I won't have the interruptions of travel associated with my real job.

This will give me more time to work on my future. It is my plan to fund a completely comfortable retirement for my wife and I through IM. The freedom of lifestyle and mobility this industry allows will mesh perfectly with how I wish to spend the part of my life once I am no longer "employed".

I am ready to learn and work and experiment. This will be fun.

Where will it take me? Will I begin to see a regular substantial income? Can I learn to fill in the blanks of my current knowledge and understanding?

I think so!

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Praise Premium
I don't really thrive on negative emotions anyway.

That's a great attitude to have! You'll be successful with your retirement goals.
morlandroger Premium
You and I sound as if we have the same goals. Work is OK but retiring young enough and well off enough to enjoy retirement is my aim. What I like about the IM idea is that I can continue with it wherever we retire to.
Labman_1 Premium
Glad to hear you are enjoying life. This place is more exciting every day. Good luck to you.
jatdebeaune Premium
That's great Wayne. You're in a good place and the best is yet to come.