I Love WordPress

Last Update: May 03, 2011

I just love WordPress. The more I use it the more I like it.

Seems you can find a theme to suit whatever niche you need. There are plug-ins that do nearly everything a guy might want for his website.

What won't this platform do? 

I still use Site Rubix to maintain my very first site. It's just too large to move and too risky as well. I thought it was cool then. 

But there is so much more I can with WordPress than Site Rubix.

So if you are wondering which tool you should use, WordPress would be my recommendation.

I'm just saying....

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Wayne Hudler Premium

Google Anaylytics,Quick Adsense, Favicon, Ping Optimizer, XML Sitemap, ... to name the most useful.
Pounders Premium
I agree. At first there was a bit of a learning curve to it. But, now I can't imagine my IM world without it. Its really easy.
Jamie Smith Premium
I really enjoy WordPress Express with the All in One SEO pack and the Sociable plug-ins.
Cwillard77 Premium
what plug ins do you find the most useful?