Posts by WErRush 14
June 10, 2012
I finally posted my first article to streetarticles. I hope it can be informative to some of you. Does anyone know how long it takes to get published after submission?I'm still working on the site it's linked to, it's my main project, and an ongoing task. My plan is to have a couple of other niche focused sites up in a couple of months, after much more strenuous research. So, if ya'll have any helpful hints or tips for me, I'm all ears, thanks
June 07, 2012
Alright, I wrote my first article. I haven't posted it yet on StreetArticles, because my website is not up to par or quite finished. But, I'm extremely proud of myself considering my time constraints. Thanks for all the inspiration all of you are. I've spent a couple minutes browsing the forums, since I'm a member now, and been reading ya'lls success stories. Great reads, and they keep me going. I'm also learning so much. Anyways, I'll keep you posted.
June 05, 2012
Good morning all. I'm thrilled and amazed wiht what I have found here @WA. My trial membership is winding down. I'm going to renew my membership, on a monthly basis for now, and see where we can get. Unfortunately, not really, because I'm learning, but my college has started back up for summer semester, and with working more than full time, and taking care of my family, it leaves a rare blip for my other ventures, namely IM. So, I am going to be popping in once in a while and slowly
May 29, 2012
Hey everyone. My 1st day nearly down. I have no idea about anything having to do with internet marketing, but I'm looking for any avenue to get myself home and spend all the quality time I can with my family. This sounds like an amazing family here, and I am looking forward to getting to know each of you better on this path.I'm fairly amazed that I went all the way up to 950 ranking this quick, I guess not all the members contribute as much as I thought. I can't wait to have any know