Did You Pin Jay's New Banners?

Last Update: May 29, 2012
One of the best things about WA is that they are always trying to help us succeed. Check out the banners that Jay created today.

Take a moment and add them to one of your Pinterest boards.

After they are posted to your board, select edit and insert your affliate link.

If your Pinterest account is already setup this entire process will only take you a few minutes.

By the way, I learned how to add the affiliate link by watching Jay's Pinterest WAbinar.

If you would like to learn how to install a Pinterest Bookmarklet on your ipad check out the following tutorial.


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yessharon Premium
If anyone else needs an invite just pm me and I will send you one. You will enjoy using Pinterest.
TJ Books Premium
I would love to be a pinterest member member but I think you must have somebody invite you. I've tried to get an invite but gave up. John
econcepts Premium
John, I would be extremely happy to provide you with an invite since you've helped me so much with your website. I need an email address to send the invite to. PM me and I'll send it tonight. AJ