Ear Force X41 – Amazon’s Morning email

Last Update: August 02, 2012
When I checked my email this morning the following message was in my inbox.

I opened the email and sure enough there was a whole page of listings promoting the Ear Force Head Sets. I normally just delete the emails from Amazon without checking out their products. But this time it made me think about how they promote products.

I plan to read their emails in the future and take a few minutes to analyze the niches that they send me every day. Did you receive this email? If so, what did it make you think about?

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Labman_1 Premium
Hmmm, I know that product. I bet you went to Jay's site and checked it out. And even clicked through to Amazon on his link. When you did that, you were part of the data base that Amazon maintains of your preferences and interests.

Sure wish I could do that with my sites. I'd love to know where people go after my site. GA helps a bit but the amount of data that Amazon is and has collected is mind boggling.
Deezdz Premium
No but they do send me "bargain" emails at least 1x per week.
They send me the "bargains" email about twice a month.
garethb Premium
Jay - WABinars