Internet Marketing at 212 Degrees

Last Update: June 30, 2012
There comes a time when all of the power and energy that we put into a project makes it "Tip" or brings it to the boiling point "212 Degrees". For internet marketers this process usually happens when our websites hit the first page of google or we make our first dollar. From there the energy seems to multiply.

In the beginning we have the ideas and visions of creating something of value. Something that others will find useful. We do the research, gain the knowledge and then share the knowledge. This takes hard work but it can be done as seen by the success of the WA website.

Your websites and visions have the opportunity to grow and tip if you do the work and keep at it with persistence.

A favorite video of mine is 212 degrees. It is inspirational and reminds me how close we are to achieving our goals and we need to continue our persistence and turn up the heat a little.

The tipping point of a business usually comes when the information that you are offering goes viral. The Open Education Project is starting to go viral.

I was just thinking about what would be the tipping point to make my internet marketing business successful. I believe that if I continue with persistence to create content and learn as much as I can that, yes I will be successful. My sites haven't started to boil yet but I am picking up some steam.

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Shawn Martin Premium
great read! Turn up that fire!
WErRush Premium
great point. The best thing to do is just start. That's the biggest step, and everything else will fall in line if you just keep plodding away
mission0ps Premium
Cool I did a blog post about that very video 3 years ago :) the good stuff always stays