About 1courage
Joined September 2009
I decided to change my “About Me” to focus on my goals in regards to WA.

For years I have wanted a home business. I am currently a receptionist at a busy assisted living facility where I work full-time. Though I like this job & appreciate the valuable lessons I have gained from working in customer service, I know I was meant for something else. I am the independent sort that is self directed. I long for a flexible job where I can use my creativity. Most of all, I have wanted a job where I didn’t have to worry about whether I would get laid off especially in this kind of economy. I am not comfortable with my life being determined by someone else.

I’ve purchased and tried various different programs. I’ve been disappointed and frustrated. I wouldn’t say these programs were necessarily scams nor were they impossible to succeed. I believe that some people have achieved success with them. I am pretty good at investigating before I leap. The problem was either too little or too vague of explanation on how to advertise or get sells. I always considered myself to be a beginner when it comes to marketing. Many of the things they discussed were too advanced. They didn’t start with basic definitions or description for things some beginners weren’t familiar with. They discussed things as if you already knew this information. Even though they would claim to be geared for anyone including the beginner, they were too advanced. It was difficult to get questions answered. Many didn’t respond and those that did had unsatisfactory or terse responses. Also there rarely was a progression of steps. Some claimed to discuss step by step, but unfortunately that was not the case.

What led me to WA? I wanted to learn more about article marketing, and I found a link for WA. I decided to read it and was impressed with the benefits. Also WA is geared to someone with my level as well as the more advanced marketer. They have definitions and good explanations. Also they explain things step by step.

My goals are to become an affiliate marketer and focus on article marketing. I really enjoy writing and believe I will do well in this field. For a longer term goal, I want to eventually be involved with copywriting, on line & off. I believe affiliate marketing would work well with copywriting. I want to take easy steps: Start out with bum marketing techniques, advance to other forms of article marketing, and eventually find my way to copywriting. I want to continue to write articles even if I reach my ultimate goal as a copywriter.

I plan to work hard to make this dream a reality.
1courage's Accomplishments

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Its_Angel Premium
You will do fine, you sound very determined. I am just started as well, You will do fine.
1courage Premium
Thank you Its_Angel for the encouragement. I am determined. I've been hitting some obstacles lately, but I'm determined to see this thing through.
whitimike Premium
I've purchased some great articles on line so good luck.
1courage Premium
Thank you whitimike. I'm trying. Good luck to you too with WA.
Oahuspirit Premium
Thank you so much for your kind comments. They are
so appreciated. Worked hard today on articles.
This is the place to be... on the WAve.
Peaceful blessings to you courage. Nite- nite
1courage Premium
Great! I will be doing article marketing myself once I'm up to that level. I'm trying to take things gradually so I completely understand. Now I will know who to go to for advice on articles. How is it going for you?
Globaldawg Premium
Hi 1courage . . . can we become buddies and bounce ideas off one another? I enjoy reading and writing, too. As I become acquainted with the WAU environment, I've decided to focus my attention on Article Writing and master it before venturing into other areas of Internet Marketing. So, maybe we could share ideas and experiences.
Globaldawg Premium
Hi 1courage . . . Ok! WA buddies we are. I'm looking forward to sharing and brainstorming with you. No, I have not heard of bum marketing--please fill me in. Right now, I'm working to wrap up my first effort at writing an article. Actually, I completed the first draft of the article and then following ccmusicman's advice in his tutorial ". . . 90 Fresh & Unique Articles . . .' I wrote a spin-off article. Now, I'm considering a third twist to the same theme in hopes of nailing down a third article. First, I'm going to go back and re-read the tutorial. If you will, when you have time, PM me and clue me in on bum marketing.
Globaldawg Premium
Hi 1courage . . . I got your messages. Thanks for the link to read about bum marketing . . . I'll follow up. I'm not that far ahead of you. I'm taking my time to read and work through a few tasks as I read and learn. Right now it is late here--I'm in the Middle East--so I'm going down for the night and will get back to it tomorrow. Have a great afternoon and evening. Oh . . . if you have time, search for Ezinewriter . She has a couple of good tutorials and links. I didn't have the time to really check out her links today, but tomorrow I will . . . go to AffiliateSuccessMethods.com and LearnYourWayToSuccess.com . . . byeeee for now.
1courage Premium
Hello Globaldawg. Sure, I would be honored to have you as a WA buddy. I too want to learn all there is about article writing before I tackle other marketing strategies. I want to begin with bum marketing. Have you heard of this? Then I want to learn other aspects of article marketing. It would be great if we share ideas & experiences. I'm glad to meet you.
1courage Premium
Hi Globadawg! You are way ahead of me. I'm still in the reading phase, but I plan to take action soon. Just completed all but one of the overviews of each section. Bum marketing is just a form of article marketing, but just a simpler form. The name derives from the founder who claimes than even a bum can do this. Basically you don't need any money. Also I think the articles are much shorter. I did a search on the web when I heard about it. I have several links, this is one of the best ones. It will explain more about what bum marketing is: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/bum-marketing.html
Again, bum marketing is just a form of article marketing. I thought I would start with the easiest and least expensive & progress to more complex forms of marketing. I want to earn while I am learning. Of course, who doesn't. I hope I explained this well.
1courage Premium
Hi Globadawg! You are way ahead of me. I'm still in the reading phase, but I plan to take action soon. Just completed all but one of the overviews of each section. Bum marketing is just a form of article marketing, but just a simpler form. The name derives from the founder who claimes than even a bum can do this. Basically you don't need any money. Also I think the articles are much shorter. I did a search on the web when I heard about it. I have several links, this is one of the best ones. It will explain more about what bum marketing is: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/bum-marketing.html
Again, bum marketing is just a form of article marketing. I thought I would start with the easiest and least expensive & progress to more complex forms of marketing. I want to earn while I am learning. Of course, who doesn't. I hope I explained this well.
1courage Premium
Hi Globadawg! You are way ahead of me. I'm still in the reading phase, but I plan to take action soon. Just completed all but one of the overviews of each section. Bum marketing is just a form of article marketing, but just a simpler form. The name derives from the founder who claimes than even a bum can do this. Basically you don't need any money. Also I think the articles are much shorter. I did a search on the web when I heard about it. I have several links, this is one of the best ones. It will explain more about what bum marketing is: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/bum-marketing.html
Again, bum marketing is just a form of article marketing. I thought I would start with the easiest and least expensive & progress to more complex forms of marketing. I want to earn while I am learning. Of course, who doesn't. I hope I explained this well.
1courage Premium
Hi Globadawg! You are way ahead of me. I'm still in the reading phase, but I plan to take action soon. Just completed all but one of the overviews of each section. Bum marketing is just a form of article marketing, but just a simpler form. The name derives from the founder who claimes than even a bum can do this. Basically you don't need any money. Also I think the articles are much shorter. I did a search on the web when I heard about it. I have several links, this is one of the best ones. It will explain more about what bum marketing is: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/bum-marketing.html
Again, bum marketing is just a form of article marketing. I thought I would start with the easiest and least expensive & progress to more complex forms of marketing. I want to earn while I am learning. Of course, who doesn't. I hope I explained this well.
1courage Premium
Hi Globadawg! You are way ahead of me. I'm still in the reading phase, but I plan to take action soon. Just completed all but one of the overviews of each section. Bum marketing is just a form of article marketing, but just a simpler form. The name derives from the founder who claimes than even a bum can do this. Basically you don't need any money. Also I think the articles are much shorter. I did a search on the web when I heard about it. I have several links, this is one of the best ones. It will explain more about what bum marketing is: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/bum-marketing.html
Again, bum marketing is just a form of article marketing. I thought I would start with the easiest and least expensive & progress to more complex forms of marketing. I want to earn while I am learning. Of course, who doesn't. I hope I explained this well.
1courage Premium
Hi Globadawg! You are way ahead of me. I'm still in the reading phase, but I plan to take action soon. Just completed all but one of the overviews of each section. Bum marketing is just a form of article marketing, but just a simpler form. The name derives from the founder who claimes than even a bum can do this. Basically you don't need any money. Also I think the articles are much shorter. I did a search on the web when I heard about it. I have several links, this is one of the best ones. It will explain more about what bum marketing is: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/bum-marketing.html
Again, bum marketing is just a form of article marketing. I thought I would start with the easiest and least expensive & progress to more complex forms of marketing. I want to earn while I am learning. Of course, who doesn't. I hope I explained this well.
1courage Premium
Oh my goodness, I am having trouble with my computer & my post got duplicated several times. Then I tried to delete all but one & ended up deleting all my post. I apologize for the duplicate posts.
1courage Premium
Hi! I'm new here and just joined WA. I'm looking forward to meeting new people & getting started on this opportunity.
1courage Premium
Hello, I'm new to WA. I look forward to meeting others with similar and not so similar goals as my own. I'm really interested in how other members are making progress in WA. I feel honored to be apart of this community.