Question about Site Rubix!!

Last Update: March 03, 2010

January was a tough month for my family and me, but I’m doing a lot better now.  I’m feeling more energetic and focused.  I appreciate all those who have expressed their concern and offered encouraging words.  Thank you again. 

It’s been a while since I’ve been making regular posts.  The drop in my member rank is proof of that.  I didn’t want to post again until I had made significant progress.  I’m a little embarrassed by my slow progress, but I will not obsess too much over that.  Since Monday, I’ve been very diligent about continuing where I left off with WA.  I completely read the website building section, basically the last training section that I hadn’t fully read before.  I’m already writing the content for my website (still promoting WA affiliate program).  I’m very excited now.  I am more clear about the audience or shall I say audiences I want to target.    

I’m starting to understand the website building process a little better each day, but admittedly it’s not all sinking in as quickly as I would like it.  With Site Rubix, I realize you will still need a website host, but do you need a domain??  I signed up on Monday for WA host and signed up with for a domain name.  While reading some of the training material, however, I thought I read somewhere that Site Rubix has a domain.  I may just be very confused and misunderstanding the material.  I imagine the forum has posts about websites.  I will look there, but if anyone is reading this and can help me with my dilemma, I would be very grateful.

It feels great to be back working WA.  I sure miss all my buddies! A great HELLO! to all.


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Tans Premium
Sorry to hear you've had a horrible start to the year but good to see you're back and re-focused. That's the spirit!

As for site rubix, you don't need a domain name to design your website but you do need one if you want to upload your page with the FTP to a site for publishing. Does that answer your question?