I'm Back

Last Update: May 06, 2010

It's been a while since I last posted on my blog.  I took several weeks off from WA to better manage my hectic life and I started a new class (weight training to get in shape).  Despite not being active on the My WA space, I have been actively working WA.  I finally got my website up on weebly.com and have written articles to promote it.  I'm just trying to get these articles submitted, but Squidoo and Ezine articles are not accepting the articles due to their guidelines.  Remarkeably I'm not as frustrated as I normally would be (I guess my new meditaton practices are working).  I have written great content for my website and pretty good content for my article so I will figure out how to get them submitted.  Hope everyone is doing OK.

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Fallulah Premium
Hi Larecia, Haven't met you before but I like your blog so have added you as a buddy. Hope that's ok. It's funny how meditation and similr stuff can have such a marked effect. My field of interest is alt health which kinda includes such things and it never ceases to amaze me how the most simple practices can have the most profound effects. Good luck with your website!
jatdebeaune Premium
Welcome back Larecia! Hope all is well. Sounds good.