Another Article & Improved Keyword Research!

Last Update: November 04, 2009

I’m a little behind on my “1 article-on-my-days off” plan.  Yesterday was my first day off, and I’m usually so tired after working the three days.  The job isn’t so physically demanding; it’s just emotionally draining.

Today I wrote another article, even better than the last one.  I have to say, I’m getting better on article writing and keyword research.


I have to admit I was very intimidated by keyword research when I first started WA.  I wasn’t sure if I was using the Keyword Tool correctly.  I couldn’t seem to find profitable niches at the time.  When I actually found a niche with low competition, it was a niche that no one was looking for anyway.  So much for my Christmas calendar idea “featuring the world’s hottest undertakers”. 


Since Friday, I came up with a total of 18 low competition keyword phrases!  One particular keyword phrase had just over 2000 people searching for that exact phrase, yet only 78 exact phrase search results! I was happy.  I finally stopped thinking like a marketer as the training material suggested & started thinking like my audience.  I was interested in a certain product myself & this is how I found these phrases.


Well I’m learning and taking some action.  I would like to be doing more, but I will get there.

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