Article Completed

Last Update: October 21, 2009

Yippee! I just completed my first article. My progress is slow, but sure.  I just typed the article out on microsoft word this time because I just wanted to focus my thoughts on the article rather than learning how to use Rapid Writer.  I'm sure Rapid Writer is not complicated, but I'm very familiar with Microsoft Word.  Now that I'm relieved to have completed this first article, I will try and copy paste it to Rapid Writer.  The article is just OK.  I majored in English Lit in college & I tend to be a perfectionist with writing.  I didn't want to take anymore time to get things perfect, I just wanted to get the article written.  Not the greatest, but I'm taking other affiliates advice about not letting your quest for perfection prevent you from taking action.  I figured since this is just my first one, I won't take it too seriously.  I'll improve as I learn more about WA & as I keep practicing writing articles.  I will submit it probably tomorrow.  Beginning Monday (since I will have to work those long hours Fri. - Sun.) my goal is to complete at least one article a day for the four days I have off each week.

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Internetgranny Premium
Well done! Giving you some gold as a 'reward'. I too tend to be perfectionist in everything and it's taken me a long time to accept that 'good enough' is often good enough.
Good job, 1courage! The first article is always to toughest. Just remember, the journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. Keep up the good work!