Back to Work Writing Articles!

Last Update: December 10, 2009

I hadn't been writing in a while because as I've stated in previous posts, I've been intensivley reviewing the training material.  My articles were missing quality content.  It took me enough time between working, running errands & Christmas shopping on my days off, & trying to find time to absorb this information.   The review has allowed me to see what my articles were lacking.  Today I started on another article.  I love this article!! It's my best one yet.  It offers value and the lead into my promotion is relevant and appropariate. I'm almost finished with it.  I have most of the content, I just need to edit it.  I'm tired and it's almost midnight.   I have to work at 8:00 in the morning.  

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Barnabus Premium
1Courage, Good Job.I know it isn't easy sometimes having to shuffle between family, job, writing articles and all the other neat stuff we have to do to get by. Absorbing all the information definitely isn't the easiest thing to do either. LOL One bite at a time OK? Keep going, and I'm sure you'll get to where you want to go. Barnabus