
Last Update: October 13, 2009

I had been stressing about pinpointing a definite niche since I joined WA.  I had an article outline about a health benefits company that I was a member of for the last few months.  I had chosen this niche because the company seemed very stable and the opportunity promising.  So I started an article, but didn’t get very far.  I was still thinking about other niches.  The problem with the health benefits opportunity was that my heart really wasn’t in it.  Then last night, it hit me.  What is the one activity I had been engaged in the most online?  I had been searching for work at home opportunities, online opportunities, etc.  I thought, why not promote the opportunities online that help other marketers.  I had developed some knowledge in the field throughout the years due to my searches.  This is how I found WA.  Then I thought, why am I spending so much time on something I have little interest for.  It’s not that I had never considered this field before; I just thought there was too much competition.  I thought I could not compete with the “big boys” in this field.  Last night I realized I was selling myself short.  WA taught me more about niches & sub-niches than any other program.  If I choose the right sub-niche, I may have a chance.  Also I realized that I could write articles more freely if it was in a field I was passionate about.  I am the creative type & enjoy writing.  I also decided rather than rack my brain too much about niches, I will just start with the WA affiliate program.  I imagine there is a lot of competition with this program as well, but where else can I get a step by step learning guide to teach me all that I need to know?  I need to start somewhere.  While I am working on WA affiliate program, I will continue to research sub-niches in this field.  Last night I started feeling more focused & relieved about finally making a decision.  So I will scrap this old article & start fresh.  I’m not frustrated that I am changing my mind.  I was frustrated by not having my mind made up before.  Though the path ahead will still have obstacles,   this decision has given me more clarity.  Clarity helps us to face many challenges.


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