I'm Working, Really!!

Last Update: November 20, 2009

I realize I haven't posted much in the past week.  I haven't written any articles recently, but I've worked more diligently and with more focus earlier this week than I have since I've joined WA.   I'm attempting to get a better understanding of how all this works.  I spent 3 to 4 hours each of the four days earlier this week completely absorbing the Research section of the training material & writing extensive notes & then some more brief guide notes.  I really needed to review this section because I had missed some very important points when I initially read it (I think I was overwhelmed by all the information at first). 

 I want to make my article writing even stronger.  I want to be more convincing & more passionate about what I'm selling.  I've written a few OK articles & each one was better than the one before, but I have to admit, if I was a potential customer, I wouldn't be moved to purchase just by reading what I wrote.  I want to write great articles, not just OK articles.  I thought if I did better research, I will have better articles.  

I understand a lot more just from re-reading & reviewing.  I will work on what I learned on Monday, my day off from work.   Then I will start reviewing some other training material, like the article section.  It may seem like I'm taking a few steps back, but it feels to me like I'm moving forward.  By realizing the areas that I need to work on & actually working on them, I am preparing myself to be a stronger marketer, and isn't this what it's all about anyways?

The review helped me to realize I'm understanding a lot more than I realized before.  My creativity is kicking in & I'm getting some great ideas.

So if I haven't been writing to my buddies as regularly as before, please don't take it personally.  I've been in an ambitious mode lately (much better than some of the unmotivated ones I've been in just a few weeks ago).  I will get back to posting & checking up on how others are progressing as soon as I get through this review.  Thanks so much for all of your support. Hope everyone is doing well.


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Keep it up, you'll get there. Just for some motivation, PM me the link to your Squidoo lens and I'll rate it for you. Seeing those red stars really gets the creative juices flowing.