Poking Along

Last Update: October 22, 2009

Last night I entered my article into the Rapid Writer.  Today I read about Squidoo.  I will post my article there soon.  I didn't today because my computer acted up several times today while I was reading the Squidoo info.  It kicked me out of WA more than once.  I just know I have a virus on this computer.  Anyway I was already annoyed & didn't want to hassle with it today.  I'm not having a bad day, just very tired as if I didn't get enough sleep.  I will probably post the article on Squidoo Monday since I will be working the next three days.  I will pick up where I left off when I feel more rested & refreshed.  I'm poking along, but getting there.

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jpetals Premium
You have it right... if necessary , step back for a minute, but then hop back on. Once you start seeing numbers (even if they are just visitors to a lens) it starts the excitement which sparks a new drive in doing more. =)
restlesslimbs Premium
Keep poking along and you'll gain momentum. I hope your computer will cooperate with you though. Do you have an anti-virus program? I'm only using AVG Free but I don't think I've had any problems with it. If you don't already have an anti-virus it's 100% free to use and I've heard just as good as others.