
Last Update: September 25, 2009

I've been attempting to take consistent action.  Since yesterday, however, I've been stalled at section 3.1.  It's a bit more complex.  It's coming up with a niche which admittedly intimidates me a little.  I have two "back-up opportunities" if I don't come up with a niche within a couple of days.  However these two back-ups have a lot of competition.  One is the WA affiliate program.  The other is a health benefits program that I've been a member of for a couple of years now.  

 My standstill is also resulted from the fact that I started work again today.  I have an unusual work schedule (which I actually like).  I work 3 straight days Fri. - Sun 12-hour days.  Then I'm off for 4 days.  With the four days off, I can focus on other things such as WA.  But now it's back to work & I will be unable to spend hours working at this until Monday.  

 Other than coming up with a niche, my other goal is to make my learning as organized as possible.  I'm a visual person, so task lists are really good for me.  I also just love notebooks.  I like document protectors to separate the different task I'm working on.  I use the notebook in addition to the computer.  The notebook just helps me to better see what I'm doing, what I have to do, & what I've done.  It enables me to better pace myself to avoid being distracted and overwhelmed by all I'm learning at WA.  The better organized I am, the more motivated I am to work through the unavoidable obstacles.  

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Oahuspirit Premium
Aloha to you Ms. Courage...
I wholeheartedly agree with the whle notebook idea... It makes all of this great learning material more manageable. Great job!
Stay on the wave of success.. it's good to see you aboard.

Continued Blessings to you.