I have been having quite a bit of trouble with my computer. It was too slow, causing me to have multiple posts & accidentally deleting my prior posts. I guess it's working now.
Well I have completed all the overview of the steps. I wanted to get an idea of what I will be learning. Now I am going over each of the steps and taking action. I already fully completed step one. I have decided I will promote the WA program as well as any niche I come up with. I already created my WA space obviously, introduced myself in the forum & checked out the WA job marketplace which I found very impressive. I plan to keep up with these last 3 tasks daily.
I also fully completed step 2. I am working on having the mindset of success. I am doing pretty well. I have consistently come here to WA since Monday when I decided I needed to be motivated, focused, & disciplined to reach my goals.
Now I am working on step 3 & attempting to come up with a niche. This is a process & I will work at it. I have come up with 7 major niches. Each day I will work at breaking them down into subcategories according to the steps in 3.1 Again, I have already decided to promote WA. There is also another program in the health field I will promote if I don't come up with a niche soon. The only thing, it has a lot of competition.