Squidoos Spam Rules - My Article under Review

Last Update: January 05, 2010

I included one of my articles that I had written weeks ago and attempted to publish it on Squidoo, but Squidoo warned me that it was deemed possible spam.  I requested that the article be hand reviewed by Squidoo personnel.  I informed Squidoo personnel that I am purposely promoting a business as many people on Squidoo are and that Squidoo allows this.  (The promotion of Squidoo states as such).  

I believe I stated my case very well.  My article is not spam.  It offers purpose, it shows concern for what the reader wants.  The article is about 700 words long and only includes 3 links.  I think the reference to links is mild, I could have posted the links more, but didn't. In fact this article is one of my better articles.  I had 3 previous articles that were also promotional in nature that were accepted without problem.  In fact I used the same links with 2 of the articles as I did with this current one for I am promoting WA.  The first two articles were atrocious.  I was new to article marketing at the time, but they were accepted.

 I'll wait until I hear from Squidoo to see if my article will be published.

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Devan Premium
Hey 1courage .... I had the same thing happen at Ezines and Squidoo ..... I am saving the rejected articles for other directories .... I think alot of it is very subjective or else automated (in the case of squidoo). They are lots of other directories I am going to start using. Good luck!