Thanks for All Responses Regarding My Squidoo Trouble!

Last Update: October 27, 2009

I have great WA buddies!  Thank you to all that responded to my post about my trouble submitting an article to Squidoo.  Your information and suggestions  definitely helped.  My trouble came when I was setting up the lense, I didn't even get the chance to submit the article.  Squidoo wouldn't accept my keywords.  From your responses regarding Squidoo, I came to a better understanding about Squidoo.  This is my first article (lens) so I'm just learning about Squidoo.  From your responses, I believe the trouble was that I was being too obvious about my promotion, too obvious about my attempt to sell.  I understand what Dr. Resiprosity was saying about Squidoo's assumption that I'm "trying to sell something, rather than present something".  Also, by reading Gotokid's Squidoo lense & understanding Internetgranny's information about Squidoo's frustration with too many similar promotions, I think I'm starting to catch on.  I need to promote, but be subtle about it.  I will probably pick other keywords & rework my article.  I need to offer value.  Maybe I will educate my audience regarding another topic, and show how WA can help.  I can work it in that way.  I noticed this is what Gotokid did with his article.  Also Ourbiz prewarned me against using too many links.  I will definitely avoid this.  Oh, thank you so much guys.  I'm so glad I avoided frustration this time.  I just knew I would get great responses from knowledgeable buddies.  You guys are the best!!

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