
Last Update: September 26, 2009

Since I'm working 12-hour days during the weekends, I decided I would not spend too much time reading the training material. I will read more on my 4 days off. I plan to use the end of these work days just to keep up on the WA Spaces, forum, & job marketplace. Last night, however, I was in an ambitious mood. I didn't do any reading, but I spent about 3 hours planning and organizing. I typed up & printed out two elaborate spreadsheets that should help me stay organized and focused. I shouldn't have spent too much time doing this so late at night because it cuts into my much-needed sleep time. I have to be up and get ready for work early in the morning. However, I am glad I have these tools. With these spreadsheets, I can visualize exactly what I have to do next, what I've done, and how much more I need to do. In the past, I had a tendency to get discouraged and quit when I became consistently overwhelmed with trying to learn something new and keep up with my busy life. I really want to succeed with WA so I am really putting forth the effort. I am proud of my progress. Everyone should be proud of their progress.

One thing I really want to do is spend more time getting to know other people.  The three wonderful people that I am buddies with have all requested to be my buddy.  I need to get out and initiate some of these introductions.  With trying to learn more about WA, I have neglected this major part of WA.  I am really interested in meeting more people and learning about their goals and progress.  I want to also find out how others are managing their tasks, their techniques and suggestions.  We can all help each other & learn from each other.  That is the beauty of a system like this.  Good luck and much success to all of you!

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