Working on New Article

Last Update: October 28, 2009

Since I had trouble submitting my first complete article to Squidoo yesterday, I decided to practice patience and look for other keywords.  Since I am promoting the WA Affiliate program, I wanted to research another career opportunity that  would interest a significant amount of people, but wasn't overrepresented in the search engines.  To my surprise, I found it!  I came up with a keyword phrase that has over 4,000 search count, but less than 2,000 quoted search results.  If I remember the WA training material correctly, It seems like this is well within the guidelines of a promising niche.  Although this keyword phrase doesn't specifically deal with WA or affiliate marketing for that matter, I plan to offer the audience what they are looking for.  I already researched the topic through Google.  I have already started the new article and given the information.  I plan to incorporate WA Affiliate Program into the article somehow as a better option.  I thought this might be a clever way to avoid Squidoo's spamming guidelines.

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