Yes, Another Blog Post

Last Update: October 28, 2009

Whew! This is the third blog post in 24 hours.  I don't think I've done that before.  Well I'm just happy about my progress today.  I have the majority of my article completed.  I'm much more happier with this article than the last one.  It seems more focused and it definitely has more substance.  Though my overall progress is much slower than I intended, I'm amazed that in one day, I found suitable keywords, completed the proper research, and almost completed my article.  My very first attempt at keywords took over a week and my first article a few days.  I think I'm finally getting the hang of of this.  Also I think what helped this time is that I didn't allow an obstacle to frustrate me.  I worked through it.  Admittedly, frustration has often been my biggest enemy (what can I say I'm an Aries).   In the past, it has caused me to give up too soon.  However, I am a logical-minded person, and I realize that though obstacles are inevitable, frustration is a choice.  I really want to succeed with WA and internet marketing and because of this, I have decided that the goal of having a career I enjoy and with so much earning potential, is well worth the obstacles I encounter.

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