A year later

Last Update: September 03, 2011

Last Oct. I thought I was getting back in the game. Unfortunately I allowed a few
distractions and the next thing I new I was working a full time job and a part time
job the first of January 2011. Well I was cranking between 55 and 75 hrs a week.
That lasted until the end of June, at which point I was happy for a break.

Then after a couple week of a 40 hr work week I started thinking it was time to 
get back in the game and try to rebuild my internet marketing knowlage and skill.
No easy task.

I started going thruogh my old information and in reviewing I discovered what seemed
like some really cool new stuff. And as I went along it suddenly dawned on me
(a few weeks later) that everything I was doing was doing nothing at all.

Now I need to get back to basics and start anew, AGAIN ??!! The old saying is
often true. "sometimes one must step back to be able to step forward again"

I am haveing to relearn to navigate this wonderful evolving WA site. Try to temper
my excitement and absolute sense of being overwhelmed, as I relearn everything.

All this while looking at 50 to 60hr work weeks again. Augg this is going to be tuff.


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Abundantlife Premium
Thanks for the encouraging words. Small successes help as well.
http://bluestreeeksblog.com/hello-world . Take a look and give any
Labman_1 Premium
Even a few hours a day will get you further along than not doing anything. I know how tough it can be to find your stamina after working this hard. Keep at it, it can be done. Think of the rewards and put your nose to the grindstone.