Lasor Focus

Last Update: September 25, 2011


I was reading email and looking at some of the links that were suggested for webinar

training. One in particular caught my attention so I was watching this preview home

work training video. As was suggested by the email. The speaker in the video was talking

about the distraction that internet marketing people have to deal with. Such as email,

social networks like facebook and youtube, etc. The speaker goes on to tell who these

distractions are a non productive use of time.

Wow, that hit a nerve. NON Productive use of time. Boy I sure was suffering from that.

So the speaker continued to say that it was important to pick a particular area of

marketing that you wanted to pursue and FOCUS on it like a Lazorbeam!!!He continued,

that we as marketers need to pick one aspect such as Article marketing or SEO or even

Pay Per Click. But just pick one and focus on that for a couple hrs a day for 2yrs. Then

he said you will be a master at that particular way of doing things and create a TON of


My ears had perked up and I was totally in tune with what this guy was talking about.

I already knew I had a problem with distractions but did not understand the depth or a

way of getting around these distraction that were essentially paralyzing me into a way

of doing things that where not very productive and consumed a great deal of my time.

Time for me is a critical issue as I am still working 2 jobs at about 60 hrs a week on the

clock for someone else. Never mind the things that we need to do for personal stuff like

clean house, take care of pets, etc. and travel to and from places of work. Putting in time

for my internet business is a difficult task to say the least, but is critical for my future

plans to be a reality.

Here are some questions that started flooding my mind:

So Now What Do I Do With This New Found Understanding?


Where do I start to look?

What aspect of marketing do I FOCUS with Laser like precision?

How do I choose this aspect?

What do I need to know to make a good choice?

How do I make a choice that will support my passion with motorcycles?

Looks like it time to find some help again and do a little more research.


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