Posts by Abundantlife 41
February 01, 2012
Knowledge is power, well at least I hope so. I have been spending all of my spare time reading several books about money and the economy. It seems our school system has done us a major injustice (not their fault) by not teaching us the importance of a financial education. I know what you’re thinking "What do you mean, I learned how business works and how to balance a checkbook?" Maybe so, however the author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" Robert Kiyosaki believes that the ultra-ric
December 29, 2011
2012 should be a powerful year of growth. With Kyle & Carson's awsome promotion and an attitude of CAN DO! And the fact that I quit my part time job so I can spend more of my life building my fortune instead of wasting my time. 2012 will indeed be a year of blessings. 
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October 14, 2011
  I have been very busy and not able to work on my site or any marketing stuff this week. Getting ready for some much needed Vacation time next week. Yea!. 
September 25, 2011
Focus I was reading email and looking at some of the links that were suggested for webinar training. One in particular caught my attention so I was watching this preview home work training video. As was suggested by the email. The speaker in the video was talking about the distraction that internet marketing people have to deal with. Such as email, social networks like facebook and youtube, etc. The speaker goes on to tell who these distractions are a non productive use of time. Wow, that hi
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September 15, 2011
So my Bluestreeeksblog site is up and running fairly well. I am even starting to Get some comments. However I would like to know what the thoughts about SPAM identification and how to deal with it. You can read my post Here Please give me you comments about this issue and what you think of my current solution. Thanks in advance. Darn. I cannot get the link to work correctly. :(  
September 10, 2011
The other night I was able to get some banners working in the side bar of wordpress. "thumbs up" yea. Today I got a couple of social media links out for my Motorcycle accessories site. And I figure out how to change "page links" This is so coool.   May the blessings Be.
September 08, 2011
It took me a while to figure it out, but the Ah HA!! came when I learned How to add banner on my side bar. YEE HAA!! LOL. And I figured out how to even adjust the sizes of the banners. Very exciting stuff, well for me anyway. Probably most of you are thinking, OK big deal that's simple. But that's OK because for me the whole internet marketing thing, figuring out websites, creating affiliate links, and all that goes with it is VERY VERY difficult for me. It seems to take me 4 times as long to fi
September 07, 2011
I Don't know who Bruce is, however I am thanful for his tutering that helped me get past what I learned was a tag line in wordpress. So to you I say Thank you so much Bruce. May the Blessings Be 
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September 06, 2011
YEA! It is nice to have small successes to help keep one encouraged. After many hrs of reading. listening to tutorials and fumbling arround. I was finnaly able to create my first Wordpress Blog . As the first entry indicates this will be my training ground and a place to build links from. Seems some sites require a owned website before you can sell products for them. I welcome any and all comments so that I can practice improving the site in such a way that when I make my more perminen
September 04, 2011
I continue to struggle with wordpress blog system within WA. For some reason I  just cannot get to a point in which I can enter content. I can go thru the entire creation process, Yet when I try to actually add content it sends me back to the beginning of the creation process. I just don't get it. So many very cool tools here and I cannot seem to figure out how to use them!