Knowlage is power

Last Update: February 01, 2012

Knowledge is power, well at least I hope so. I have been spending all of my spare time reading several
books about money and the economy. It seems our school system has done us a major injustice
(not their fault) by not teaching us the importance of a financial education. I know what you’re thinking
"What do you mean, I learned how business works and how to balance a checkbook?" Maybe so,
however the author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" Robert Kiyosaki believes that the ultra-rich have been
involved in a conspiracy to keep our children slaves to the economy and servants of the rich. After
reading his books, I completely agree. This is amazing! How could I have been so naive?? We all
need to have greater financial knowledge. It is my primary pursuit. For what good is the money we
earn online if we fail to understand how to use it to build our empires properly for the long term.

May the blessings be

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dataplextech Premium
Kiyosaki has a really great board game called "Cashflow" that he produced a few years back. You can usually find them on eBay.
Louise M. Premium
I totally understand what you say and I do agree with your outlook on this global economy and the "conspiracy" around not teaching people how to make their money grow! We're on our own for sure. That's why it's great to have communities like this one :)
jatdebeaune Premium
I know exactly what you mean. Finance was a dirty word in schools when I was growing up. If you didn't have a family member who was a mentor, you were sunk. It's all changing.