Finally a new lens

Last Update: April 28, 2010

After much patients (about 3-4 hrs) and a lot of determination I was finally
able to get a new squidoo lens published.

As mentioned in an earlier blog I hired a writer to help me out with my
article marketing. So far I like his work, but sales will tell the real story.

Any way I took one of the articles for my RoboForm affiliate and uploaded
it into a new lens. Then proceeded to ad my links and tweek to what
seemed to me to be half way rooky-ish and not totaly newby.

I struggled with 2 things.
1- getting my links to work in the text
2- geting a dam picture to upload on the first module of my lens.

It only took me about an hour to struggle and then locate a tootorial for
the proper html code. I applied it and yea it works. Dam it is amazing to
me how that html code works. I wish I understood that language. Maybe
in time I will. So now my text links work.... YEA! Bright idea, copy and save
code for future use. Ding!

So now I struggle with the picture. I needed a picture related to my lens.
Where the hell do I find such a pic. My stupid self assumed the website of
my affiliate program would have the answer. Sure enough several pics
were available, however they always copied as something other than a
jpeg or gif. For over an hour I tried to get it to work. Came close to cursing
a few times but resisted the temptation. I knew that somehow I would make
it work. After all others have done it. I have to be able to do it. Tired I decided
the best course of action at this point was to wait till the next day and start
with a fresh head on my shoulders.

Next day I sat to finish this lens and after about 20min or so it came to me....
check the tootouials by PPG. I really like the way Jennifer writes. So I parrooz
through all the tootorials I could find and nothing helped me with this issue
of the pic i needed. Then it came again, that little piece of genious. It told me
to print the page from the website. Dam I don't have printscrean. So now what? Well I figured I would just have to do it the hard way. Print the web pg.
then scan the print, then edit the scan to fit as a jpeg in the pic spot.
Dam what a process, but it worked and now my lens is published, and
I have come away with what is most important..??? knowledge and a little
more experiance that I too can share with others.

There must be an easier way to do that though. I would surely be grateful
to anyone who could share some insite.

Now its time to repeat the process, so I get faster and smoother.

Here is the lens. Is Roboform Safe?
Let me know how I can improve on it. Thanks

May the Blessings Be

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Abundantlife Premium
Yea I tried that several times. However the Squidoo lens would always tell me that it was not a valid jpg or what ever the other file is that it will accept. Thats why I did it the hard way. I do not understan
what you mean by tagging the pic. Seems like greek to me and I don't know greek yet.

Howes riding these days in CA. kinda wet eh?
klrrider Premium
You sound a lot like me... nothing comes easy. But you got it done!
To copy a pic right click and choose "save as". It will download to your "down loads" folder in my documents. From there you can edit and save to any place on your computer for future upload to your lens. Tag your pics with your keywords before uploading. I use Google Picasa... it is free.