Finally getting a plan

Last Update: February 10, 2010

OK I lost the last one I tried to write. So here we go again. This time I will

So where was I, Oh yea... Seems I was trying to explain the haps for the last
few days. Reading an incredible amount of info in this site and related
training links.. This has got to be the best training site I have ever seen.
Better Step by Step instructions than I have ever been able to find, Cool!

Then I find that most of the Guru's that created these instructions have got
the same info on there personal websites. Well Duh?? That's what I get for
being a newbee.

So I have been working with the key word tool in this site and the one that
KLRrider gave me. Thanks Bob. I definetly need to practice that. It does not
come easy to me at all.

In fact the whole article marketing and Ad posting does not come easy to me
in any sense of the word. Seems my brain don't work like other people I
guess. I will get it eventually.  I dicided to user this type of marketing because
in the future I want to be able to spend more time riding motorcycles and
writing reviews of them for my favorite magazine "Motorcycle Consumer
News" (Well that's one of my Dreams/Goals)

Lately I have been having difficulty learning to navigate the forums and get
back to this page so I can. Then It struck me. Ah Ha the book mark tool,
and Wha'La there now I have a quick easy way to get back and forth. Pat
on back for remembering to use bookmark.

I have decided to focus my energies with the Article marketing and placing
ads. I will start to ad stuff from my Click Bank account soon. I think I need to
find a rhythm for my work online. (Retraining you mind can be tough)
I know it will all be worth it.

So I am going to focus on 3 of my affiliate programs and then start building
2 more as the next few months go on. I think I should have a good rhythm
by summer.

First I will and have been promoting Roboform, and awesome password
management program. I love it and don't know how anyone can do without
this fantastic tool.

2nd is Wealthy affiliate. I definitely  am going to work this site heavily.
3rd is Direct Matches, A social networking site that has some income
4th I will ad in my Click Bank account to gain some cash as I learn to write.
5th and this is Ironic that I am working this last. Cash in a Flash. This is the
    info that got me excited about affiliate marketing again. I just can't seem
    to get my head around a program that costs $100/ mo. But never the less
    it is what got me here today, because of my drive to learn and grow. That
    book was a paradigm shifting experience for me.

 So now I have a plan. Time to go implement it!!  

May the Blessings Be 

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