Is it working

Last Update: April 27, 2010

I am not sure if the results I am looking for will come about with the trial
I am doing. Last month I set in motion upgraded account status for 2
affiliate traffic exchanges. And with out a doubt the clicks have grown 1000%.
However the conversion rate is 0. noda. nothing. none. NO SALES! :(
I do think that going from a couple hundread per month to over 2000 clicks
is a good jump... Now to get those #'s to be convertable into sales. 

However that does not mean I am gving up. In fact my resolve is even greater
than it was last month.

While in the mean time I hired an article writer to help me write some good
articles to help me promote my affiliate programs. The other day some of
them came in. So now I am in the process of uploading them into some article
sites. For me that means about 1hr for each article at each site. Whew thats
quitre a bit. (I guress I am a little slow)

I was reading somewhere about a wagon wheel approch in linking of the
articles that I put out to share with folks. I am going to give that a bit of work
to see how it does for my affiliate links. Cross you fingers everyone. 

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Louise M. Premium
I've never been able to figure out how traffic exchange websites could possibly bring you "good" visitors, the ones who pay I mean! You gotta learn from this and keep moving. That's obviously what you do! Oh and If you need to submit your articles faster there's a free tool called ashelper that I use. it's not the best on earth to be honest as the quality of the directories could be better but still, 170 directories in one click it's pretty good, huh? :) you can find it here in case you're interested --> Good luck!