moving forward

Last Update: February 24, 2010

I am moving foward at least as far as I can see. The numbers of click
throughs are slowly growing at WA and RoboForm. For RoboForm
my second download finaly made the purchase. That is good I suppose,
because that is a 100% sales rate for the downloads. However to be
realistic it is hard to get excited when I have driven almost 1000 peopl
to the site and only 2 Have downloaded. I really need to figure out the
secret to narrowing the feild or creating higher convertions. This is really
hard to understand right now.

Wealthy Affiliate on the other hand has been even tougher so far. I have only
been able to get a little over 100 unique clicks and NO sales. Boo Hoo.
I really suck at this right now.

I think when I get my tax return I will have someone help me write a couple
of nice articles and then put them into the system. That way I may be able
to get a little more success. 

In the mean time I will continue to drive as much traffic as best I understand. Never Give UP.
Learn, Practice, Grow, Share, Repeat.

May the Blessings Be 

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justinwhite Premium
You're way ahead of me! I just broke 100 unique visitors to my site. Still no sales.