New Tools

Last Update: May 06, 2010

I stumbled across a new tool the other day. It is able to help build articles.
Seems I found it in a signiture line of another WA affiliate. Just don't know
who it was. I will work it for a couple months and see if I want to keep it.
At $27 a month it seems a bit pricy. However preliminary results suggest
it may be worth it. It is called Instant Artical Wizard Pro. So far I like it alot.

The other Cool tool I just this morning figured out. ( I know it has been there
for a while ) is the Page where you can create a bunch of diffrent landing
pages and promote clickbank e-books. Just found it and figured out how
to actually use it. Conducting expariments with my traffic exchanges and will
start writing some articles to promote it as well.

May the Blessings Be

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