Searching for more answers.

Last Update: February 18, 2010

I have been actively working the traffic exchange sites regularly. This practice
is actually showing consistant traffic to my the sites I am promoting. I am
focused on Wealthy affiliates and Roboform. Now I have steady #'s.

So while I have been doing this I am also working on my article ideas. It
seems to me that I should be able to promote something, I just don't seem
to get how to link the articles to my business.

I want to write about my passion, Motorcycles. But how do I link my passion
to Wealthy Affiliate or RoboForm or any other of my affiliate programs?

Searching for answers.

Mayt the Blessings Be 

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Abundantlife Premium
I did not know of such things. That is a great idea. Thank you.
justinwhite Premium
Have you searched affiliate directories like,, etc for motorcycle related products? Or for ebooks on, say, motorcycle maintenance or guides to buying a motorcycle?

I'm sure there are opportunities for you to incorporate your passion into IM. Good luck!